Balancing Act May 6, 2015 – Posted in: Uncategorized

brightconstellationI read an interesting article today about how to keep the flames burning for your passions in life. You can read the whole article here. It was so funny that most of the advice was to reach out and do things not immediately related to your passion.  Like gardening or meditating, or spending time with friends. How counterintuitive! One would think that the way to keep being passionate about your goals and interests is to keep on keeping on no matter what.

My dear friend just invited me to go out for ice cream and my automatic response was to say no, because clearly I am working on important art things! But reflecting on it a bit more, I wish I would say yes to more adventures like that. Not only because ice cream is delicious, but because it helps me love the time I spend making jewelry even more.

This piece, the Sacred Constellation for me, symbolizes balance in all things.